I just got almost the maddest I have ever been. I was dropping nathan off at school when a little girl threw up in the foyer. there were probably 20 people (all parents) dropping there kids off and
NO ONE helped her!
They all just stood and stared as this young girl probably 6 was crying not knowing what to do. Well, I stood there for a second, I couldnt just leave Jonah alone, but someone had to do something, so I told Nathan to watch jonah and I ran past all the other parents, told the girl to hold on a minute I would get help, and went into the office and told the secretary what had happened. Did she run out to help that poor girl? NO! She said, oh yep, then I guess called the janitor and stayed in the office. I went back to catch Jonah running away, turned around and the girl was still standing there in tears!
ONE other mom opened the office door and told her to go to the Nurses office, Thats not my school so I didnt know where it was. As that mom sent her to the office, I moved a wet floor sign to the area so people wouldnt step in it. I walked back over to Nathan and all the parents (who had been watching from what I guess they thought was a safe distance) All turned back at the same time. Then another mom asked another one what had happened and upon hearing went "eww!" and took and exaggerated step back.
For crying out loud! It was a little girl! One who needed help when her mom wasnt there. I know noone wants the stomach flu, but you still have to be a nice human being! I was so mad. At the parents and the secretary. I hope me rushing around stirred up the germs and gives all of them a nice case of the pukes.