That's postage Stamps

My life as I see it, and sometimes how I would like to see it :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

after (almost) 10 years of marriage

It makes me smile that after almost 10 years of marriage, Ian still giggles like a school girl when I fart in bed. Hope this made you smile today too :)

Monday, October 26, 2009


I am so thankful for the family I have. I have come to realize this past week that I have it really easy. We may have fought a lot growing up, but all my siblings and I get along great as do our families. I know of other people not so lucky (no names will be mentioned to protect the innocent or the not so innocent) they have siblings in constant turmoil, or parents who act like they are one of the kids. Just to be honest, this whole post is just about my immediate side of the family, this is neither the time nor the place to get into all the other "stuff" (insert word of your choice if you would like) My parents are great. Really, they may be the most incredibly generous people I have ever met. I dont know of one time they have not seen a need and not acted on trying to help. And they wont ever let you pay them back either. Once all of us kids tried to take my dad out to lunch for his birthday and successfully got the check away from him when he goes out to his car and gets out 4 Wii's he had bought. One for each kid. All of our jaws just dropped. It was awesome. They are also really good about boundaries. They wont push in until asked. They try to stay back and let us live our own lives unless we ask for advice or opinions. And I think because of that we ask them a lot. Because even with an opinion, they never tell us what to do (even if sometimes thats what I want) I know a lot of people who struggle when they have a baby and have asked how we were alone in the delivery room. I kind of looked confused and then said, well we didnt ask them to be. It was as easy as that. gotta go, ians home sick, but I have a great family!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I never knew October could be so busy. This year with the kids being in two different schools, it is crazy! Not to mention Jonahs Birthday, Bible Club at school, Awana, The craft show, Ians birthday, and Halloween! It is crazy. Luckily, I am in the most organized time in my life. And trust me that is really saying something. I try to FLY I dont know if you know what it is, but it is awesome is the site. At the beginning it says, do you live in CHAOS (cant have anyone over syndrome?) That was my life!!! I love having people over, but the house was always too messy, but it has gotten much better. since I stay home there will never be a day when EVERYTHING is done, but Im doing much better. My laundry is still caught up, but not the ironing (boring) and I still have lots of spare time. Not this week though because of Jonahs Birthday party Sat. I hope it goes well. sometimes when both sides of Ians family gets together sparks can fly. So we shall see. I made my dip, favors, and candy corn cookies today. Even more to do tomorrow, then soccer before the party on Sat. Whew! Im tired after reading this :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Love Stinks

Jonah is my youngest son, about to turn one. He is the sweetest, smileyiest boy ever. He starting to walk and talk. I thought he was doing good with momma (ma ma) daddy (da da) and Nathan (na na) sense a pattern here?? All until last night. You know how sometimes commercial jingles get stuck in your head? Well, Nathan and I had both been singing Love Stinks from the new swiffer commercials all day. Then last night I was just singing to myself as I was straightening up and I sang really loud, "Love Stinks!" Then I heard a little voice go, "Yeah Yeah" plain as day, I turned around thinking it was Nathan, but he had gone to the bathroom. My little almost one year old was the only one around. So I did it again, "Love Stinks!", he looked at me and goes "Yeah Yeah!" I kid you not, Jonah was singing it with me. So of course we called daddy, and all I said was hold on, "Love Stinks!" then really loudly, jonah did it again. Ian was like, was that jonah! No one could believe it. By then Jonah had figured out he got attention for it, so I pulled out my phone and took a video. So cute. I still cant believe it. He is one smart little boy. I tried to put the video up on facebook, but for some reason the audio didnt come thru, so I'll have to try to figure it out. I need to get a good video and put it on You Tube. I think it could be huge ! :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

gone again

So, Ian is gone again. From Tues to Sat. In atlanta at some big conference. and a U2 concert. The kids have gotten used to him being gone which i'm not gonna lie makes me mad sometimes. That he is gone enough that it is not a big deal to them anymore. But I still dont like it. I hate sleeping alone and being the one in charge at night. I woke up this morning and had a daymare about me having to kill someone who had broken into our house. It was bad, I had to figure out who to call (after 911) And then I had to change out of my pjs to go to the police station, and leave the kids with someone. And I also refused to be alone in the house until Ian got back. Mind you this was all in the first 15 of him being gone this morning. At least Im not too old to have an imagination. But in reality I know if anything did happen even when Ian was here, I would be doing most of the protecting anyway. He would go charging thru the house in his underwear and gun (as he has on a few occasions) and I would have to protect the kids. Also in reality, we live in such a weird place that I dont think a robber could find our house and we have a gravel road so they couldnt be quiet at all. Anyway, this has been my morning so far. I should have gone straight to the kitchen to fix a big breakfast, but oh well. I'm over it. Toast will work.
ps I am a horrible speller

Monday, October 5, 2009

things I want

I've decided I need to get back into this, because I love reading my friends blogs, and hope that they will like to read mine. so I decided to start with the things I would like to blog about. Maybe I will get thru the list and maybe not.
1 My kids
2 my husband (the good and the bad)
3 Struggles i face in my life
4 the babies I've lost (will be a hard one)
5 funny memories I have of growing up
6how God is working in my life
(I started this with a whole list in my head and it's gone now)
7stupid people I see in my life (strangers, just dumb ones)
8 gifts I would like to receive (feel free to give hints to my husband)
9my very strict beliefs and how they have changed thru my life
10 things I like to do
11 anything else that strikes my fancy
We shall see how this goes. So far it's looking pretty boring
right now I'm looking at Jonah as he swings himself in his swing. maybe a clue he is too big for it.