That's postage Stamps

My life as I see it, and sometimes how I would like to see it :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I hesitate even to blog about this because Ian and I are really trying to keep it quiet. But I know all of the readers on here are people who care about us, and if they found out later would probably be upset we hadn't told them. Most of you know the fertility issues we have had. We got pregnant very quickly with Grace but ever since we have had problems. Takes us years to get pregnant. We have also experienced loss. I lost a baby 6 years ago this week. then my son Nathan had a twin that never developed. We also lost another one 3 years ago this November, before I had Jonah. And here we are again. I lost a baby last week. I am really trying to look to the good instead of drowning in the bad. I'm thankful the kids didn't know. I'm thankful my sister came and stayed with us when Ian had to leave town the next day. I'm thankful I've never had a stillborn. My babies have always been to small to see. I'm thankful this was uncomplicated. The second one was extremely difficult as I had never realized there was a delivery involved. This was by far the easiest to deal with. I'm thankful my blood work came back bad before I started bleeding so it wasn't a complete surprise. I'm thankful Ian called in immediately and stayed with me. I'm thankful for how discreet the people who know have been (including you all I hope). I'm thankful the worst day was the first and it didnt last a week like the last time. I'm thankful for God who I know is in control and I'm trusting someday I will see why we had to endure this over and over. I'm am really trying to consider it pure joy that we are facing this, hoping it's because we are doing what God wants us to do and Satan is hating it. In the past I have also been able to get pregnant fairly quickly after a loss and hoping that that continues. I really dont want my last memory of pregnancy to be a loss, but of a baby in my arms.

That's all I really wanted to write, Please keep this to yourselves we are really not wanting a repeat of last time. Ian has been really good about me telling who I want, but PLEASE be careful. Gossip is not something I want to happen because I wrote this. Just prayers for us. We are doing very well. Like I said, it was by far the easiest, and I have to be honest, I knew what to expect, so we had no surprises.